Cottingham Scouts are on the lookout for volunteers to support the next generation and give young people the opportunities they need to develop skills for life. At Cottingham Scouts, we are do-ers, makers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, we go camping, hiking,…
Scouting in Covid
I hope this message finds you safe and well. I’m writing this, knowing that the guidelines are very likely to change again before you get chance to read it, but I’ve got to start somewhere! As some of you may…
The Great Indoors
Ideas and activities to inspire young minds at home. While we normally love the great outdoors, we’ve pulled together some inspired indoor activity ideas (if we do say so ourselves) to keep kids entertained while schools are closed due to…
Important coronavirus update
Following recent announcements, and in response to the rapidly changing situation regarding coronavirus – please find below an important update from our Chief Commissioner, Tim Kidd. Leaders will be in touch with their sections over the coming days and weeks…