I hope this message finds you safe and well. I’m writing this, knowing that the guidelines are very likely to change again before you get chance to read it, but I’ve got to start somewhere!

As some of you may be aware, The Scout Association has been discussing the possibility of returning to face to face Scouting. There are many restrictions, risk management strategies and approvals that need to be put in place for this to happen. Cottingham Leaders feel that these restrictions will not enable us to deliver an effective, safe, or enjoyable programme at this time, and therefore we will be sticking to “Online Scouting” via video conferencing for the time being. Face to face Scouting numbers would be very limited, and involve mixing ‘school bubbles’. I therefore encourage your Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer to join in the online meetings.

Please be assured that we are continuing to monitor the situation. The requirements and guidance for returning to face to face frequently change.

You can read more here: https://www.scouts.org.uk/coronavirus/.

I am writing to explain a little bit about our financial situation. Headquarters and County continue to charge an annual membership fee per member. The Group is charged approximately £45 per member, per year. We also have insurance to pay, even though we are not meeting… These include property, equipment and personal accident, totalling well over £1000.

We are therefore having to ask for a donation, as the Scout Group is NOT sustainable without the Subs income. We are aware this is a big ask and are really grateful for your support…

If you would like to donate via bank transfer, cash or cheque, please send me an email on cottinghamgsl@gmail.com.

Please help us to continue Scouting in Cottingham during (and beyond) these very strange times.

Stay safe, and I hope to see you all soon.

Yours in Scouting

Kate Moverley

Group Scout Leader
